About Us
All prices in Canadian Dollars!
$20 Minimum order - FREE Shipping on orders over $200!

ince 1995,
O'Canada Gear has specialized in a full line of Canadian pride, souvenir and collectible giftware, as well as
sports, travel and corporate gear. Our unique 'Made in Canada' products are designed for anyone doing
anything, anywhere!
There is a definite need for an upper end, classier line of souvenirs, yet giftware that's compact enough for traveling. However, the biggest challenge is finding something nice AND Canadian-made to give to family, friends and clients from other countries they all can't get maple syrup!
O'Canada has everything from tattoos, stickers and pins to hats, shirts, and outerwear, including souvenirs, collectibles and limited edition art prints. It's not just for Canada Day anymore it's cool to show your Canadian Pride!
Displaying the Canadian maple leaf while abroad offers travelers a measure of safety and respect not available to citizens of any other country in the world. Yet what started as a trend towards showing you're Canadian while traveling around the world, is now in demand while staying around town, or just enjoying an event in your own backyard.
Every time there is an international sporting event such as the Olympics, soccer, hockey, or even the Grey Cup the great Canadian game, there are people wanting to wear and wave the maple leaf. Our logos are well recognized and respected around the globe!
Research shows that the items on our web site are in demand by consumers, especially those traveling outside of Canada. You will love these items because you can proudly display the Canadian maple leaf and/or Canadian flag. You'll also appreciate the reception you receive around the globe, by subtly being recognized and respected as Canadians!
You now have an opportunity to become a distributor and make more money while offering your clients an extra service. One of the most lucrative ways as a distributor is to feature our ' Pride Kits'. These items are in demand by consumers, especially those traveling outside of Canada.
We've developed a brand new fund-raising item called the 'Prove Your Pride Ribbon'. It's a woven satin zipper pull that can be attached to almost anything, especially luggage, zippers and automobile antennas. People have always bought this item in multiple quantities because of the numerous uses for it, thus increasing your profits, along with customer satisfaction. For more information, go to our ' Prove Your Pride' web site.
We can also customize and design a unique program to take advantage of your company's success. Make the most of your distinctive reputation, utilizing your own corporate look. Offer your customers and staff members, the newest fashions at the greatest prices! Here is a list of our corporate suppliers.
Thank for visiting our web site. If you have any unanswered questions or if we can be of further assitance to you or your company, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your input is also very important, so feel free to contact us with any suggestions, comments, etc. If you placed a previous order with us, please feel free to fill out our feedback form so we can serve you better.
We look forward to providing you with O'Canada Gear!

Proudly Yours,
Joe Nykoluk (a.k.a. JO'Canada)
Owner & Managing Director
9859-76 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
Canada T6E 1K6
Monday-Friday - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm MST
Saturday - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm MST
Tel: 780.465.3000
Fax: 780.465.1500
Toll Free: 1.877.465.6366
E-mail: web@ocanadagear.com